Most insurance companies in European countries refuse to pay out on damage claims when the householder does not follow a servicing and maintenance schedule on necessary appliances.

The one most people know in Spain is the changing of the orange hoses on the water heater butane bottles, which must stay within the date printed on the hose. The gas powered water heater must also now be connected to the exterior of the home with a RIGID white aluminium pipe. The flimsy flexible pipe has never been legally acceptable, but has often been used, but now would be disallowed in the event of any claim.

A wood burning stove or fire installation must have a galvanized flue liner. Not only does it help the fire to draw properly, but it helps prevent a build upof the creosote type residue that is highly inflammable when not regularly removed. In the case of a brick-lined flue the creosote clings to the rougher surface and builds up narrowing the passage for smoke flow hence the necessity for the smooth galvanized liner.

The other highly desireable requirement for a cleaner combustion of the appliance is a 50mm-80mm hole drilled to the exterior behind or to the side if the unit. Any fossil or carbon/mineral fuel needs oxygen to combust properly. If your car exhaust is dirty it implies a problem, the smoke coming from your flue is the same. If the chimney pot area is heavily darkened, or the glass on the front of the fire blackens easily it indicates a poor supply of oxygen.

So, to summarise,

  1. Darkening of chimney outlet/fire glass reveals oxygen poor, fuel rich mixture of gases
  2. Remedy: Cleaning of flue, opening of grill covered oxygen supply hole adjacent to appliance

The householder will be better off as fuel consumption will be reduced.
Heat output will be increased as the “draw” will be improved.
Most Importantly the household will be much safer.

Supastoves have the necessary cleaning and flue-lining equipment along with precise size hole cutters to attend to a stove or fireplace’s correct maintenance.
